Linum Catalogus

144 ©Linum Onderhoud & service Al meer dan 40 jaar ontwikkelt en producteert Sauermann kwaliteitsproducten in Frankrijk gelinkt aan de HVAC/R markt. De Sauermann groep focust op een gezond binnenklimaat waarvan de unieke kwaliteit van de condenswaterpompen een belangrijke schakel vormen. Naast de condenswaterpompen ontwikkelt Sauermann ook instrumenten om de lucht- kwaliteit binnen te meten, te monitoren en te controleren. Via de gratis app kan je de meetresultaten in realtime opvolgen. Deze kan je bewaren en exporteren als .pdf, .csv of .xml. De app laat je toe volgende zaken te meten: - Temperatuur - Relatieve vochtigheid - Druk - Luchtsnelheid - Berekende waarden zoals luchtdebiet, enthalpy, absolute vochtigheid, dauwpunt, ... Meetinstrumenten Thermo-hygrometer • Meetinstrument voor het meten van temperatuur en luchtvochtigheid • Duidelijk LCD scherm gecombineerd met optimale ergonomie in de hand • Eenvoudig te linken met de gratis Sauermann app via Bluetooth Art. nr. OEM Omschrijving SAM-1001 Si-HH3 Sauermann Si-HH3 thermo-hygrometer voor het meten van temperatuur en luchtvochtigheid Relatieve vochtigheid 0-100% RH, (± 0,1% RH) Temperatuur -20°C tot +60°C (± 0,1°C) Afmetingen 228 x 70 x 33 mm Sauermann meetinstrumenten : 4 Eenvoudig design 4 Optimale gebruikersergonomie 4 Elk toestel eenvoudig te koppelen via bluetooth (smartphone/tablet) 4 Gratis app 4 Duidelijk afleesbaar LCD scherm (naast Bluetooth aflezing) Thermo-anemometer • Meetinstrument voor het meten van temperatuur en luchtsnelheid • Duidelijk LCD scherm gecombineerd met optimale ergonomie in de hand • Eenvoudig te linken met de gratis Sauermann app via Bluetooth • Luchtsnelheid wordt gemeten via een ventilator Art. nr. OEM Omschrijving SAM-1031 Si-VV3 Sauermann Si-VV3 Luchtsnelheidsmeter - Thermo-anemometer met ventilator Luchtsnelheid 0,4 - 30 m/s Temperatuur -10°C tot +60°C (± 0,1°C) Afm. unit 151 x 70 x 33 mm Afm. ventilator 160 x 81 x 38 mm Digitale manometer • Meetinstrument voor het meten van de druk (statisch, dynamisch of totale druk) • Via de app kun je eenvoudig de afgeleiden meten, zijnde luchtsnelheid en lucht- debiet (mits correcte ingave van de kanaalparameters) • Duidelijk LCD scherm gecombineerd met optimale ergonomie in de hand • Eenvoudig te linken met de gratis Sauermann app via Bluetooth • Kit is incl. 2 slangen Ø4x6 mm op lengte van 1 m, om te verbinden met een Pitot buis Art. nr. OEM Omschrijving SAM-1011 Si-PM3 Sauermann Si-PM3 digitale manometer Druk -150 tot +150 hPa Afmetingen 151 x 70 x 33 mm Si-HH3 Thermo-hygrometer DATA SHEET Parameters Measuring units Accuracy * Measuring range Resolution Relative humidity %RH ±2%RH at 25°C (5 to 95%RH) from 0 to100%RH 0.1%RH Dewpoint** °C Td , °F Td - from -40 to+60°C Td from -40 to 140°F Td 0.1°C Td / 0.1°F Td Absolute humidity*** g/m 3 - from 0 to 600g/m 3 0.1g/m 3 Enthalpy*** kJ/kg - from 0 to 10000 kJ/kg 0.1 kJ/kg Mixing ratio*** g/kg - from0 to 10000g/kg 0.1g/kg Wetbulb temperature** °C Tw / °F Tw - from 0 to 60°C Tw from 32 to 140°F Tw 0.1°C Tw /0.1°F Tw Temperature °C, °F ±0.5°C ±0.9°F from -20 to+60°C from -4 to 140°F 0.1°C / 0.1°F *All the accuracies indicated in this technicaldatasheetwere stated in laboratory conditions,and canbeguaranteed formeasurements carriedout in the same conditions. **Calculated values ***Calculated values,only availableon the app Technical specifications Magnetic backing for easy fixing Backlit LCD screen Carrying bag Calculated values on mobileApp °C °F Si-HVACR Measurement MobileApp FREE APP GooglePlay and theGooglePlay logo are trademarksofGoogle LLC. App Store is a servicemarkofApple Inc. DISPONIBLESUR Si-VV3 Vane Thermo-anemometer DATA SHEET Parameters Measuring units Accuracy * Measuring range Resolution Air velocity m/s,km/h, fpm,mph ±(3% of value +0.1 m/s) from 0.4 to 3 m/s ±(1% of value +0.3 m/s) from 3 to 30 m/s ±(3% value +19.7 fpm) from 78.8 to 590.6 fpm ±(1% value +59.1 fpm) from 590.6 to 5905.5 fpm from 0.4 to 30 m/s from 78.7 to 5905 fpm 0.01 m/s from 0.4 to 5 m/s 0.1 m/s from 5 to 30 m/s 0.1 fpm from 0 to 984.2 fpm 1 fpm from 984.2 to 5905 fpm Airflow** m 3 /h,m 3 /min,m 3 /s, cfm - from 0 to 9999 m 3 /h from 0 to 9999 m 3 /min from 0 to 9999 m 3 /s from 0 to 9999 cfm 1 m 3 /h 0.01 m 3 /min 0.001 m 3 /s 0.1 cfm Temperature °C, °F ±0.5°C ±0.9°F from -10 to +60°C from 14 to 140°F 0.1°C 0.1°F *All the accuracies indicated in this technicaldatasheetwere stated in laboratory conditions,and canbeguaranteed formeasurements carriedout in the same conditions. **Calculated value,only availableon the app.Airflow is calculatedwith the surfacegivenby theuser.Accuracyof the resultwilldependon surface accuracygivenby theuser. Technical specifications Large vane probe with 2 m (78.74’’) cable Air velocity and airflow meter Magnetic backing for easy fixing + Carrying bag Backlit LCD screen Si-H VACR Measurem ent MobileApp FREE APP DISPONIBLESUR GooglePlay and theGooglePlay logo are trademarksofGoogle LLC. App Store is a servicemarkofApple Inc. Use with a pitot tube The Pitot tube is introduced perpendicularly to the air flow in the pipe by pre- determined points by the user. The antenna composed of an ellipsoidal nose (bow) maintained in parallel and in front of the flow to control. TheTp total pressure (+) is picked up by the bow and is connected to the + sign of the manometer. The Sp tatic pressur (-) picked up by the small holes located aro nd the antenna is connected to the – sign of the manometer. Thedifferencebetween these twopressures is thepressure indicatedon the Si-HVACR Measurement MobileAppand isequal to thedynamicpressureDp=Tp-Sp. Pression totale (Pt) Pression statique (Ps) Pression dynamique= Pt - Ps Total pressure (Tp) Static pressure (Sp) Dynamic pressure=Tp - Sp Presión total (Pt) Presión estática (Ps) Presión dinámica= Pt - Ps Si-PM3 Digital Differential Pressure Manometer DATA SHEET Parameters Measuring units Accuracy * Measuring range Resolution Pressure hPa,mbar,Pa,mmH 2 O, inH 2 O, inHg, psi ±(1.5% of value +0.2hPa) ±(1.5% of value +0.09 inH 2 O) from -150 to+150hPa from -60 to 60 inH 2 0 0.01hPa / 0.001psi /0.01 inH 2 0 / 1Pa / 0.01mbar / 0.1mmH 2 O / 0.001 inHg Airflow** m 3 /h,m 3 /min,m 3 /s, cfm - from 0 to 9999m 3 /h 1m 3 /h /0,001m 3 /s / 0.01m 3 /min / 0.1 ft 3 /min Air velocity*** m/s, fpm - from 2 to 80m/s from 394 to 15748 fpm 0.1m/s 1 fpm Technical specifications Backlit LCD screen Si-HVACR Measurement MobileApp FREE APP DISPONIBLESUR Air velocitydisplayedon the instrument is calculated atfixed conditions:LPitot tubewith adeprimogen coefficientof 1.0015,at 20°C (68°F) and 1013.25hPa (29.92 inHg).When the app isused todisplay air velocity, these parameters canbemodified. Magnetic backing for easy fixing + Carrying bag Air velocity and airflow with Pitot tube (optional) Measuring range: -150 to +150 hPa (-60 to 60 inH 2 O) Instruments have 2-year guarantee for any manufacturing defect. 12 - Mobile App The Si-HVACR Measurement MobileApp allows to view and record measurements in real-time. Main features: • Easily view different parameters • Browse saved measurements history and data graphs (average, min & max values, etc.) • Create reports (PDF, CSV or XML format) and add up to four (4) photos Download the Si-HVACR Measurement MobileApp Download the MobileApp user manual 12 - Mobile App The Si-HVACR Measurement MobileApp allows to view and record measurements in real-time. Main features: • Easily view different parameters • Browse sav d m asur ments history nd data graphs (average, min & max valu s, etc.) • Create reports (PDF, CSV or XML f rmat) and add up to four (4) photos Download the Si-HVACR Measurement MobileApp Download the MobileApp user manual